Archive for Obama

Inside the Law of Attraction & Why Obama has already changed the world

Posted in Love, Obama, wisdom with tags , , , , , on January 27, 2009 by soteria

By now, I’m sure that a lot of you are aware of the book “The Secret”. It talks about the Law of Attraction and the whole idea that whatever you put concentrated focus and attention to is what will manifest in your life.


I’ve found that when I speak to people about it, they always nod their heads in dismissive agreement, as if they understand this principle as something they were taught back in nursery school on Barney flashcards.

While the concept seems on the surface very elementary, there is still a point where you have to go from cognitive (head) understanding to intuitive (heart) understanding of this principle.

I can’t tell you how many people that I speak to on a daily basis that are so caught up in the mentality that ‘we are in a recession!’ ‘Everyone is losing their jobs!’ ‘How am I gonna eat?’ “How am I gonna pay my bills?’ These are usually the same people that simultaneously tell me that they understand ‘The Secret’…

It is definitely a challenge in these days and times not to get caught up in the media hype of fear. If you pay attention, there is this constant ever flowing energy of fear that is created and encouraged by the media and our government. (present administration not included of course)

Fear is a force of manipulation and control. If someone can put fear in you, they can control your thoughts, actions and behavior. This energy has been used to sweep the general public into a tizzy so that they feel powerless over the state of their jobs, their families and their futures. Because of a heightened focus on the seemingly negative things going on around them, people have been full of doubt and worry, which manifests itself into individuals not identifying the opportunities that surround them.


Many people don’t understand or appreciate the phenomenon that is Barack Obama, but his meteoric rise speaks directly to the law of attraction. How did this virtually unknown, black senator –  with a funny name (as my boy DV puts it) moonwalk his way into the White House?

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Obama gave us a vision again.  A vision of what is possible in this world if we believe in it and act upon it.  He appealed to peoples sensibilities about right vs. wrong, inclusion vs. exclusion, LOVE vs. HATE.  He has encouraged us to tap into the law of Love and focus on being the change that we want to see. As far as I am concerned if this man does NOTHING else while he is in office, he has done enough to make a change in the world because he has helped institute a change in consciousness.  He embodies the ‘It ain’t about you‘ mentality to the fullest.  He recognizes that it is about us, not just some of us – but all of us.  

My advice to you in the coming year is to turn off the TV, stop reading the headlines and vow to yourself that you are not going to participate in this recession.  Choose hope and vision over fear and worry and baby you will be alright.

Our New President and First Lady… Obama & Michelle

Posted in Obama, politics with tags , , , on January 21, 2009 by soteria

Obama Inauguration Home States Ball

8 More Days and Counting…

Posted in politics with tags , , on October 27, 2008 by soteria

The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind leading up to the most important election of our lifetime!  I have been waist deep in the campaign for well over awhile now…and I am re-energized about the process on a daily basis.  Whereever you go people are so passionate about this election.  Obama bumper stickers…Obama Tshirts…buttons…I can’t go anywhere with a button on and not have someone ask me for my button.  It pretty much happens every time.  I really feel in the air that the masses are speaking that they want hope for their future and a dramatic change from the status quo of failed Washington policies.  This weekend, we had overflowing crowds of volunteers coming down to headquarters trying to get involved and make a difference in this election.  People were sitting on the floor making calls to encourage other registered voters to cast their early vote and a cadre of people went out during various shifts to knock on doors and encourage people to exercise their vote.


I wanted to share with you a few pictures from the campaign headquarters so you can get a glimpse of what is going on…The couple below are from England and they flew to the US for 2 weeks to go to different cities and work on the Obama campaign!  They said that they love Obama and wanted to make a difference, because they know that America’s future president will impact world affairs.  Obama ’08!!


Posted in politics with tags , on October 16, 2008 by soteria

I admit it….I cannot get enough of Obama. He truly is the most inspirational, straight forward politician that I have seen…maybe ever. Last night I went to a viewing of the presidential debate at hosted by one of the Obama Committees in another area and we had a crowd of about 100 people watching the spirit filled debate. I must say, that it was definitely the best one yet! The format and the questions forced both Obama and McCain to focus on the issues and address the ways that they individually plan to change America. It is obvious to the unbiased eye who actually has a plan for America that is based on a new direction and who is merely paying lip service to ‘change’. McCain really has no leg to stand on in terms of economic, foreign policy, or health care. While millions of Americans are out of work or in danger of losing their jobs, McCain is proposing a spending freeze that would potentially impact the governments ability to help individuals who need social services in these trying economic times. Additionally he would like to the country to stay in Iraq for potentially the next hundred years – while simultaneously cutting taxes, and balancing a close to trillion dollar deficit in 4 years….ummmm ok…Superman! While Americans are going into bankruptcy left and right because of rising health care costs – McCain is offering a $5,000 tax credit for health care premiums, however the average American health care plan for a 40 year old costs approximately $12,000 a year. Under Obama’s plan the government would work to reduce health care costs by instituting across the board. Individuals with employer plans can keep their coverage and those that don’t have coverage would be able to buy into national plan similar to the one that members of Congress enjoy. Because of the sheer amount of people who would be covered under such a plan, the coverage would be able to be reduced to a much more affordable scale.

Right now is a turning point in history in the sense that America needs to figure out what is right for the country as opposed to themselves. What the Republican platform is based on is the theory of trickle down economics…the only problem is – it has not trickled down. There are millions and millions of people who are suffering – declaring bankruptcy, losing their homes, and losing all of their options. The Republicans would have you believe that is just as easy as pulling yourslef up by your bootstraps and going to get a job, two or three if you have to to make ends meet. However, what they fail to talk about is what happens when you can’t even get that job at McDonald’s because you are overqualified, or that job at Walmart because there are so many people compteting for the same position? What happens when you are a single parent and you can’t work multiple jobs because you don’t have sufficient child care now that state supported day care facilities have been dismantled? What happens when you make $10/hr and you have to pay rent, buy groceries with soaring food and fuel costs? What happens when you have generations of youth that are not being given an adequate chance at a brighter future because of lack of school funding and the Republican push towards vouchers…what happens to the rest of those kids that can’t get into the better schools?

Obama is the choice for the future of America. Not just black Americans, white Americans, poor Americans, middle class Americans, rich Americans – All Americans!


The Countdown is on and A Call to Action!

Posted in politics with tags , on September 23, 2008 by soteria

The countdown to the most important election of our lifetime is on and it is IMPERATIVE that everyone you and everyone you know both registers AND gets out to vote!  I also encourage everyone who can to GET INVOLVED on some level or another.  This is not a time for complacency and it is definitely a time for people to pull together and work for the common good which is to keep the presidency out of Palin, McSame’s, McCain’s hands. 

Personally I am doing a couple of things to do my part towards the cause:

1) I have personally volunteered to be a Volunteer Team Coordinator for zip codes 30327 & 30318 out here in Atlanta Georgia.  What I am doing is pulling together people who would like to get involved in the campaign and organizing voter registration, canvassing, phone banking, and parties to help turn out more voters and raise the awareness of Obama on important issues.  If you or someone that you know in the Atlanta area would like to get involved, please email me at with your name, and phone number and I will follow up with you and provide you more information on how you can get involved.   Two things I would like to highlight for the week ahead :

  •  Our Team is hosting a party this Friday September 26th to view the debates.  Food, beverages, and supporters will abound.  Come and watch the debates with us!  Email me for more info!
  •  This Saturday September 27th, Florida A&M and Tennessee State University will be having a football classic out here at the Georgia Dome.  We are doing a huge voter registration drive at the event – which should be packed to capacity!  We have two shifts available – 2-5pm and 5-9pm.  Please email me at if you are interested in volunteering for this event! 

2) I am starting an additional page to this blog which is titled Election 2008 and it will provide updates on the upcoming elections, the stance of the candidates on important issues, and updates directly from the grassroots campaigns that are organizing to help ensure an Obama steps into office.

I hope that whereever you are and whatever you do, you get involved in whatever way possible whether it is volunteering your time or giving money to the campaign…every little bit makes a difference!  If you have not registered to vote please visit this website : to complete your registration online and even if you have registered, you can check your status to make sure that you are in the system by visiting this site. 




Posted in Grown Folk convo with tags , , , on August 29, 2008 by soteria

Supporters hold signs as Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado August 28, 2008. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)
Last night I went to my friends house to watch the Democratic Convention.  I got there around 7:30pm and I think it might have been too early for me to get there. 

Now let me start off by saying that admitedly I am a channel flipper, but I don’t think I ever realized how annoying channel flipping really is.  It works well when you are the bearer of the remote control…but sitting there as one beholden to the control bearer is rather frustrating.  I helplessly sat as my eyes were met with a barrage of conflicting images – 5 various football games, bits and pieces of the convention and brilliant hard hitting journalism  via Fox News :   In an effort to unwind my brain from the flurry of images I decided to partake in some refreshing ice-cold Miller High Life – (don’t ask).  Let’s just say that by the time Obama came on…I had been zoning in and out of a High Life induced, semi conscious state.   So ok, I was not as alert as I had hoped to be.  Hey, don’t judge me!!

Anyway, I definitely did enjoy the speech and I felt that Obama brought the goods for all of the nay sayers who have said that he is just a lot of hype and no substance.  He clearly laid out what his plan for America was and why he is the best leader to take America in a new direction. 

I felt one of his most powerful statements was this one:

“For eighteen long months, you have stood up, one by one, and said enough to the politics of the past. You understand that in this election, the greatest risk we can take is to try the same old politics with the same old players and expect a different result. You have shown what history teaches us – that at defining moments like this one, the change we need doesn’t come from Washington. Change comes to Washington. Change happens because the American people demand it – because they rise up and insist on new ideas and new leadership, a new politics for a new time.

America, this is one of those moments.”

This statement is especially powerful given that his campaign with its record fundraising was entirely funded by the people – not lobbyists, corporations, or the wealthy.   

I have heard it said before that the greatest leaders are the one’s who know how to take instruction and direction from others.  What I see in Obama is a man who is willing to listen to the hopes and aspirations of middle America and  bring those desires to Washington.  What did you think of his speech?